Information Board for Guiseley Wells

We have been working on improving the Guiseley Wells area since 2017 when there were huge complaints about the area turning into a car park – when it should have been a regenerated community hub, part of the planning permission for the Springhead Mill Development. In 2018 we held a pocket park event at Easter to find out what people wanted from the area and drew up a project plan.

Since then, we’ve been working on the desired improvements, paving, planters, benches Blue Plaque and now, we are pleased to announce, The Guiseley Wells Information Board that many suggested .

The Board has been researched by Jennifer Kirkby of ANDF and Geoff Brook of the Guiseley Wells Society and designed by Naturally Creative with original drawings. It has been funded by the ANDF together with Cllrs, Paul Alderson, Eleanor Thomson and Oliver Edwards.

The design features the water of the Wells running through time, and shows snapshot stories of what the natural springs have seen as the centuries have passed. It opens with the winning poem from the 2022 Guiseley Wells Dressing competition which was composed by Arthur Wilkinson pictured below left at the Blue Plaque unveiling.

We hope that people enjoy the latest feature of the area. We’d also like to thank Guiseley Wells Society for keeping the Wells so clean and cleared of debris, Incredible Edible Aireborough for looking after the planters, and Friends of Guiseley Wells for scrubbing the pavement when it gets too slippy with mould and decorating the site at national events and days eg Christmas.

Below are are a selection of the people who have helped make the site what it is today, not forgetting Cllrs Graham Latty, Paul Wadsworth, Paul Alderson and Eleanor Thomson who have dealt with the flooding, parking issues and other LCC related works and regulations.