12548932_10207271126551915_5557061590247550465_nThe Aireborough Neighbourhood Development Forum would like to wish everyone a very Happy Christmas.

2016 has seen a lot of people work hard to put together a strong evidence base for the Neighbourhood Plan. We now have information on Landscape Character, Ecology, and Green Space – not to mention Housing Needs and Flooding.

We have also been successful in Crowd Funding the £10,000 to embark on the Aireborough Urban Design project, and thank all those who contributed; in addition we are taking part in work on Ancient Woodlands, Guiseley Wells the area around Yeadon Old Dog Mill.

2017 promises to be eventful with the Leeds Site Allocation Plan going for Inspection – so now is the time to take stock have a rest, and be ready for what the New Year brings ! Hope everyone has a great time.